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    Clip Gain

    The Secret To Smooth Vocal Control

    Most DAWs give you the power to control the volume of recorded audio on a per‑clip level — and with this power comes immense creative potential!

    Techniques . Sep 2023
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    Recording: Past, Present & Future

    Video Feature

    Three things stand out about 1985: Mario and Luigi took the world by storm, Back To The Future hit cinemas for the first time, and Sound On Sound celebrated its inaugural issue.

    Techniques Nov 2015
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    Demo Doctor

    Reader Recordings Diagnosed

    Think your own music is good? Listen to these tracks from SOS readers and see if you agree with the good Doctor's prognosis...

    Techniques Nov 2004
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    Demo Doctor

    Analysis Of Reader Recordings

    Think your own music is good? Listen to these tracks from SOS readers and see if you agree with the good Doctor's prognosis...

    Techniques Oct 2004
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    Demo Doctor

    Readers' Recordings Analysed

    Think your own music is good? Listen to these tracks from SOS readers and see if you agree with the good Doctor's prognosis...

    Techniques Sep 2004
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    Hard Drive Size

    Cutting Edge

    Hard drives are getting bigger and that can only be good, right? Well, up to a point...

    Techniques May 2004
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    Cutting Edge

    Software Protection

    The music world is going soft — but the economics of software production run up hard against the inadequacies of software protection. Cutting Edge speculates on a possible solution.

    Techniques Feb 2004
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    Demo Doctor

    Readers Recordings Analysed

    Another batch of lucky SOS readers' demos wait nervously for the Doctor's prognosis. What is the verdict? Listen while you read on...

    Techniques Feb 2004
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    Cutting Edge

    Ways Of Mixing & LCD Monitor Latency

    Considering the best way to mix in a small modern studio leads Cutting Edge to speculate on a possible future for the interconnection of digital audio devices.

    Techniques Jan 2004
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    Demo Doctor

    Reader Recordings Diagnosed

    Another batch of lucky SOS readers' demos wait nervously for the Doctor's prognosis. What is the verdict? Listen while you read on...

    Techniques Jan 2004
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    Cutting Edge

    Ultra-low-cost PCs

    Ultra low-cost PC setups are all very well, but can we be sure they'll run everything we need them to? Cutting Edge finds out from personal experience.

    Techniques Nov 2003
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    Demo Doctor

    Reader Recordings Analysed

    The Doc proffers diagnosis and suitable cures for another batch of reader-submitted meisterwerks.

    Techniques Nov 2003
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    Cutting Edge

    Media2Go; Windows Media Centre Edition; NAB

    We investigate two new technologies from Microsoft that could change the way we use audio and video for entertainment; plus, as video becomes more pervasive in the music technology market, we look at some of the latest announcements from NAB.

    Techniques Jul 2003
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    Layers And Abstractions

    Cutting Edge

    We explore the idea of understanding technology in terms of layers and abstractions, and how this makes it possible for a protocol like MIDI to be communicated via USB, Firewire and even Bluetooth.

    Techniques Jun 2003
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