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SOS Competition form problem?

We are aware that some site visitors occasionally get an error message saying 'Unable to work out which competition you are entering'.

This can happen if you have not accepted our web site cookies and they are blocked. We have to use a cookie to temporarily store the data you are entering and link it to the database for that particular competition. There is nothing malicious going on it's just the way the web technology works.

Please try the following:
1. Make sure the version of your browser is up to date.
2. Clear your browser Cache and Cookies. Quit the browser completely, and then re-launch it.
3. Go to the SOS site home page at You should see a blue Cookie Control pop-up panel appear at the bottom of the web page.

SOS blue Cookie popup bottom panel
4. Click the 'OK, I agree' button to accept the cookie.
5. Next, go to the competition you wish to enter. See

If this still fails to work, please try using a different browser or submit the url using this form.

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