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Spitfire Audio Abbey Road Orchestra: Metal Percussion

Plug-in Instrument By Dave Stewart
Published October 2023

Spitfire Audio Abbey Road Orchestra: Metal Percussion

Rating: **** 4/5 Stars

Spitfire’s flagship ARO series now features a third percussion collection performed by the inexhaustible Joby Burgess. This time the theme is metals, with essentials such as piatti cymbals and tam‑tams making a welcome appearance. Performed with up to 10 dynamic layers and 10 round robins, the samples are presented as 16 discrete mic signals, generating a tidy 136GB of data — in terms of data size, a considerably larger collection than its ARO Low Percussion and High Percussion predecessors. The samples run exclusively on Spitfire’s dedicated VST plug‑in (supplied free with the library).

The handheld piatti clash cymbals come in 21‑, 19‑ and 17‑inch sizes, the smaller pair producing the brightest, most ear‑grabbing splashes. Three suspended cymbals are played with sticks, brushes and felt mallets, the latter offering nicely played crescendo rolls along with looped rolls with mod wheel dynamic...

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